Saturday, January 5, 2013

Craft Stencil Sale

Happy New Year everyone! I took the photo below in downtown Brooklyn on a very dreary New Year's Eve (New Year's Day was much better!). This lighting decoration reminded me of one of my craft stencils.

The stencil pack has not been a great seller, I am sorry to say. It is a shame because they make stamping out patterns with my Clear Decor Stamps so much easier. I realize the shapes are very simple so perhaps people did not think they looked worth the $25.00 I was charging. Sadly, they did cost me a pretty penny to have made. I try hard to find the best price because I so much want to offer affordable craft tools. I am putting them on sale at more than half that price to encourage people to try them. Please check out my stencil tutorials here and here!

I am back in Boston and getting ready for the final pack-up.Very excited about the move. I checked back in on the renovations on my way back from Texas. Here is a photo of the bedroom. Believe it or not, this is all supposed to come together in 2 more weeks!

Hoping for a fabulous 2013!

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